MyMohawk redesign
User Research
User Interface
We believed that creating a more intuitive and user-friendly experience for students on the MyMohawk Registration page would diminish stress towards getting fees paid, timetables in order, or any other circumstance that requires them to use the page.
Original Website

Research methods
For our Research, we utilized surveys and usability testing. These methods allowed us to gather data based on first-hand opinions and experiences based on past and present uses that users have with this section of the MyMohawk website.
Based on our research, we concluded that the main issues that users seem to have are based on the fact that a vast majority of the page is made of large blocks of text and lists. With so much text, users tend to get lost trying to find the sections and links that they are searching for. In our new redesigned version of the website we want to make that easier by incorporating more imagery and sectioning off information into open/closeable windows. The main goal is creating visual simplicity for the user experience while maintaining all of the required information on the page.

Reworked Prototypes
With our collected data, we discovered the participants had issues with the organization of the categories, the choice of words used in the headers, and the graphics used in the category boxes.
- Catergory Reorganization: We reorganized the hierarchy of the categories and brought “Courses and Supplies” and “Tuition Payments” to the top since these categories are used more than “Apprenticeship Students”, “Continuing Studies”, and “Indigenous Students”.
- Rewording Titles – We reworded the subhead on the orientation section from “Start with the Future Ready Orientation” to “Enroll for the Future Ready Orientation” since participants were unsure of what orientation they were signing up for.
- Graphic Changes – We replaced the image on the “Registration Tools” category to differentiate it from the “Registration & Timetable Help” category.